Blogger Tricks

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

The Princess and The Pea (drama)

 Once upon a time there was a prince who lived in a rich kingdom with his father and mother, the King and Queen. One day, the King and Queen decided that the time had come for the Prince to find a bride.

King        : Your mother and I have been talking and we think it’s time for you to got married.
Prince      : Really? I don’t even have a girlfriend yet!
King        : That’s not the point. When I am gone, you will be King, and you must have a heir.
Queen     : I want some grandchildrens from you.
Prince      : Dad, you are only forty-seven!
King        : Son!
Prince      : Alright, alright! If it will make you happy, I will get married.
King        : Excellent! Summon the Palace Guard!
Guard      : Right away, Sir. (bowing)
Prince      : The what? (confused)
Queen     : Looking for your bride, dear.
King        : Excellent. We let you leave us to do it!
Queen     : I will start knitting booties!
Guard      : Yes, Sir, Yes, Ma’am.

          After packed a bag, the Prince and the Escort left the palace on a long, long journey all around the world, in search of the Princess.
Guard      : What kind of princess you are interested, Prince?
Prince      : Um ... er ... I would like to marry a real princess.
Guard      : Er.. If she did you mean? (pointed a Chinesse Princess)
Prince      : I think she is not.
Escort      : Is she a real princess, Prince? (pointed other girl)
Prince      : No!!
Guard      : How about her? (pointed other girl again)
Prince      : No, no, no, they are not!!
Guard      : Uff.. How is the characteristics of her, prince?
Prince      : I do not know clearly. But, I am sure, she was different with other girls!

          Month by month passed by, they were wandered, but they had not find the Real Princess.The Prince was disappointed. Eventually they returned to the Palace, sad, and weary.

          One evening a terrible storm came on. there was thunder
and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly
someone knocking the Palace door and the old king went
to open it.

King        : Who are you? (opened the door)
Princess   : I am a princess. Please help me. I am cold. My clothes and hair were wet!
Queen     : A princess?
King        : A princess?
Prince      : A princess?
Queen      : Emm, would you like a cup of tea to warm you up?
Princess   : Oh, yes, please, Ma’am.
Servant    : Here is your tea.
Princess   : Thank you very much!
Servant    : Your welcome, beautiful Princess! You may to borrow my scarf too.

          The girl was very polite. The Prince also fallin in love with her, in a first sight. He was sure that the girl was a real princess. But, the Queen was not. She will prove if she is a real princess. The Queen went to the guest bedroom and calling the servants.

Quenn     : Servant, come here!
Servant    : Yes, Ma’am.
Quenn     : Take all the mattresses and blankets, then piled them up onto the bedstead! I will put this pea in the base! Don’t forget to the ladder!
Servant    : Right away, Ma’am.
Servant    : Is ready, Ma’am! And this is the ladder.
Queen     : Good job!
Servant    : Um..Ma’am..?
Queen     : Ya?
Servant    : May I know, for what we did it all?
Queen     : We will prove if that Princess is a real princess. She would feel uncomfortable when sleep in this bed (whispered the servant)
Servant    : (Nodded her head)

          After that, the Queen calling the Princess and let her to stay and sleep in that bed during one night.
Queen     : Come here, my Dear! (calling from the guest bedroom)
Princess   : Um.. Yes Ma’am.. (met the Queen in the guest bedroom)
Queen     : Look! We let you to stay and sleep in this bedroom in this night!
Princess   : Whoa, it’s amazing! Thank you very much, Ma’am.
Quenn     : Your welcome, Dear..

          In the night, the princess was not sleeping well at all. She could feel something uncomfortable in the bed. The next morning, The Queen, went to see the princess. The Queen will ask how she had slept. But, unbeknownst to the Queen, the Servant eavesdropped out of the guest bedroom.

Queen     : How did you sleep, my Dear Princess?
Princess   : Oh, very badly! I difficult to close my eyes and I fell my skin was sore.
Servant    : Hah? It’s mean….. Um.. I should meet the Prince! (rushed to the Prince’s bedroom. There are The King and Prince were standing near the door.)
Servant    : Excuse me, Prince, Sir.
Prince      : What?
Sevant     : The Princess!! The Princess was a real Princess!!
King        : How did you know it?
Servant    : Emm.. I heard it from the Queen in the guest bedroom.
Prince      : Dad, is better we met Mum in there! (rushed to guest bedroom)
King        : Hm.. (following the Prince)
Sevant     : (following the Prince)
Prince      : Mum?! (shock when he arrived in the guest bedroom’s door)
Quenn     : Son? I have a nice news for you! She is the real princess! (smiling and pointed the Princess)
Prince      : Is it true, Princess?
Princess   : Um, maybe.. I just felt uncomfortable when sleeping in this bed last night?
King        : I almost do not believe it! Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that! It’s your time, Son!
Prince      : Um..Princess… err… would you like to marry me?
Princess   : Yes, Prince, I will marry you! (smiling)
Queen     : Oh, my Son.. (crying affected)
Princess   : Prince, may I ask you?
Prince      : Ask what?
Princess   : It would be nice, if the pea was placed in the museum. So, it may be the most beautiful memories for us.
Prince      : It’s so easy. I will commands the Guard to do it.

          The Prince, King and Queen was overjoyed. he knew that this girl was special and that he had finally found his real princess. He married her immediately in a wonderful ceremony and the bells rang for days. Everyone in the whole land celebrated and the prince and princess lived happily together for ever after.
          As for the pea, it was placed in a museum where it can still be seen today.

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